Sunday, May 17, 2009

2nd Day

Wow, went to the local markets that they have around the corner here twice a week this morning and it was pretty awesome. Soooo much good food, especially fruit and veg, meat and seafood. It smells so good, and tastes even better. I am getting a little concerned that I am going to get pretty fat from all of the delightful food. There is some pretty weird animals that they dont mind eating here.

This afternoon we headed over to the Eifel Tower, its was pretty touristy. If I have one more person come up to me and try to sell me some stupid Eifel Tower nick nack, I am going to punch them and smear their nose across their face. There were almost as many people there trying to sell crap, as there were actual tourists wandering around. It was a little bit wet, so we didnt head up the tower today (will leave that for another time). (Have a look at this pic here, its a very interesting juxtaposition.) -------------------->

We randomly walked around town, and viewed ourselves a typical French protest that was going on. There were a couple of hundred people occupying a road outside an important building, chanting and just generally being in the way. There were also about 100 cops hanging around with all of their riot gear, looking particularly scary, we watched for a bit, but alas, nothing exciting came about.

Then to amuse ourselves we thought we would spend 5 minutes sitting watching the traffic go around a particularly busy roundabout. Sounds a little boring I know, but it was very entertaining. The French, with their disregard for authority, have decided that even having lanes marked on the road is far to authoritarian and that in the true spirit of freedom, people should be able to make their own way around. Without the fancy "rules" or "lanes" that are opressing so many of us in our cars every day, the French are showing the world just how egalitairan the road can be. Throwing away the shackles of oppression and with little regard for anyone else on the road we witnessed a lot of tooting horns, raised fists and general gesturing but sadly no accidents.

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