Thursday, February 17, 2011

80's French Music

Wow I have been lazy in updating this blog, I guess you were right Pania.
Anyway what better topic to get back into it than to show you some of the best of 80's French music. Songs you have probably never heard of or never seen. (And lets face it never likely to see again)

So ladies and gentlemen, to get the ball rolling I give you Michel Polnareff with "Tam Tam"

Okay and next up we have the French version of Bananarama (in my opininion) 'A Cause des Garçons, with their self titled (who the hell sings a song that is also the same name as their band) one hit wonder "A Cause des Garçons"

Next up we have France's only 80's music star who was able to successfully combine both a porno moustache with gumboots in a fitting ensemble, Thierry Pastor. Here he is with his hit "Le coup de Folie"

Next up we have " T'as le look Coco" by Laroche Valmont. I can't think of anything funny to say about him. He does a good enough job of looking pretty funny all by himself.

Channelling their best Abba, band "Debut de soirée chante" firstly spend all of the chourses to their song "Nuit de Folie" staring deep into each other eyes, and trying not to show that they are actually reading the words to their song on the autocue. Verses are spent either making milkshakes, or trying to pick up chicks in some horrendous oversized pastel suits. Watch out for the big girl guys. Although I am pretty sure that even she won't go for the pastel suits.

Hugues Hamilton, looking like he has just stepped off the set of an 80's porno, where he was cast as 'The Plumber' who had come to fix the leaky tap. No expense is sparred in the digital wonderment that is the filmclip to his song "Totalement fou d'elle".
Most amusingly, Hagues must have been sick the day that they taught, 'What to do with your hands when you are on camera 101'. As he spends the first verse holding them in the long pockets of his top like some sort of sex offender, and the 2nd verse with them awkwardly down his sides. For the 3rd verse they become a little more free as he is allowed to dance more freely.

Alright I simply had to include this song "Bo le Lavabo" by Legaf, because the guy who is singing, hosts 'The Price is Right' on French TV nowdays

Have you ever wondered what Annie Lennox would sing if she was French? No, me either. But just in case you have, I give you "Voyage Voyage" (so good they had to name it twice) by 'Desireless'